Jean-Philippe Bernardy
- jeαn-phιlιppe.bernαrdy@gu.sε (minus the greek)
- jeαnphιlιppe.bernαrdy@gmαιl.cøm (minus the greek)
- GPG public key for the above
- Box 100, SE-405 30 Gothenburg, SWEDEN. (Central GU Postal address)
- 46 (0)31 786 10 00 (GU Switch)
Social networks
- Stack overflow
- Google+ [dead?]
- Haskellers [dormant]
- Twitter [dormant]
- Quora [dormant]
- Farcebook [dormant]
- Flickr [dormant]
Open-source hosts
Aggregators of academic publications
- DBLP [Try this first]
- Semantic Scholar
- Gothenburg University Library [Has drafts and theses]
- Chalmers Public Library [Has drafts and theses]
- ACM [Paywall]
- Google Scholar
- Mendeley [Known Evil]
- ResearchGate [Known Evil]